We are delighted to let you know that Dimitri Kengni (@Dimitri junior KENGNI NOUBOUDEM ) has joined the CATIA Champions Program at the end of last year! Dimitri has been a CATIA user since 2013 when he started his engineering school. He started by using CATIA V5 during his studies and worked on the design of machines in different projects . In 2019 he completed his final year internship where he started using 3DEXPERIENCE and mainly CATIA applications which allowed him to develop new skills through the design and realization of digital twins and their connection with real models.
Today Dimitri works as a trainer on CATIA solutions and as a research engineer on system design and simulation with 3DEXPRIENCE’s CATIA applications. To now he has obtained certifications on Part, Assembly and Surface Design domains of CATIA V5 and also a certification of Dynamic systems engineer on 3DEXPERIENCE. Dimitri is very interested in PLM, system design and simulation and he helps people who use CATIA solutions for their projects regularly.