For In-Shift Mine & Plant Production Analytics.
GEOVIA InSite’s out-of-box OLAP Cube is well known as one of the most comprehensive Mine & Plant Production Analytics data model on the market today.
Most data warehousing and analytics solutions traditionally update on a nightly (or even less frequent) schedule due to the calculation load and time required to process facts (calculated numbers) across multiple, rich, hierarchical dimensions (attributes for analyzing/pivoting).
With InSite, GEOVIA has introduced a new capability that supports regular updates to its Mine & Plant Analytics Cube throughout a production shift.
Here is how to configure InSite for In-Shift Production Analytics.
Note that for smaller datasets including a small amount of historical data collected to-date, a single operation, a small operation, or a small amount of data collection points, the following settings may not be required.
GEOVIA has developed this new capability primarily in the context of one of our lead customers running InSite for Pit -> Plant across 4 operations, with 10+ years of historical data, all in a single instance of InSite.
1) From the InSite Application Server, open the InSite Server Configuration Tool, InSite Business Intelligence tab
2) Click the ‘Edit solution’ hyperlink (or ‘Deploy a new BI Solution’ hyperlink if you are deploying for the first time)
3) By default, the Cube Processing Schedule is set to ‘Standard’, with ‘Full Processing’ every 10 minutes. This is the default configuration for all versions of InSite prior to InSite, but now this can be altered as part of the deployment process.
If you prefer to only ever perform ‘Full Processing’ of the InSite Cube, you may leave this setting as ‘Standard’ and select the frequency.
For small InSite implementations, ‘Full Processing’ on a 10 minute schedule may be possible, but for many InSite customers at larger or multi-site operations this schedule would need to be altered to process less frequently (i.e. hourly, once per shift, or daily).
What is an entirely new capability in InSite, is the ability to define a ‘Custom’ schedule. To do so select ‘Custom’.
4) You will see a number of new options available. With ‘Custom’ processing, you can still define a daily schedule for ‘Full Processing’, but you can also define an In-Shift schedule for the current/active Cube Partition (defined by a number of recent days).
For example, if you would like to perform ‘Full Processing’ overnight you might set that option to 12:00 AM (default setting), and ‘Conditional Processing’ to operate every 10 minutes covering the current shift/day and going back 45 days (default setting).
The above configuration would allow for all of the current shift data to be processed for In-Shift analytics/analysis, covering the past 45 days, with updates every 10 minutes. Each night, the InSite Cube would also be processed in full for all of the data in the system.
If you would like to learn more about GEOVIA InSite, please visit the GEOVIA Resource Center or contact your local GEOVIA representative.