Displaying Search Ellipses as Solids in GEOVIA GEMS

Since the release of GEOVIA GEMS™ 6.7.4, previewed search ellipses can now be saved as solids. Resource Geologists can display the triangulations to validate or improve search ellipse definitions before interpolating a block model.

To preview a search ellipse and save it as a solid, users may follow these steps:

1. On the Tools menu, point to Geostatistics, and then click Preview Search Ellipse.
2. In the Search Ellipsoid window, select the Block workspace and the Search-ellipse profile from the drop-down. An ellipsoid can be defined by Azimuth/Dip/Azimuth or by Rotation ZXZ/ZYZ.



3. Select one of the following options:

  • Select trace blocks by using the mouse
  • Use a trace-block profile

4. If ‘Select trace blocks by using the mouse’ is chosen, click the blocks that you want to select in the graphic window. To stop selecting blocks, press ESC.


5. If ‘Use a trace-block profile’ is chosen, select the trace-block profile that you want to use. To create a new profile, click the “…” icon, and then click New Profile.



6. Under ‘Preview as’ select the display type and display color that you want to use for the search ellipsoid.


7. Under ‘Save Previewed Ellipsoid:’ select a triangulation workspace and click ‘Save’. The workspace does need to be in the Project View Area.

8. To exit the Search Ellipsoid window, click Close. Your block model should now look like this:

gems-search-ellipses-6Check out more GEMS tips and tricks here.

Stephanie Mair

Stephanie Mair

Mining Knowledge Consultant, GEOVIA at Dassault Systèmes
Stephanie Mair delivers consulting services and training to the mining industry in North America, focusing on geological modeling, resource evaluation and grade control operations. She has worked in the mining industry for four years on regional exploration projects in northern Canada and western Africa. Stephanie is based in British Columbia, Canada and speaks English and French. She specializes in GEOVIA GEMS, Surpac, Minex and SQL Server Management.