A recent article in the Sydney Mining Herald, stated that mining companies in Australia will now be permitted to commence exploratory drilling in “a new copper belt” near the Grampains National Park. Below is an excerpt from the article.
Since December, the Department of State Development, Business and Innovation has pushed through three exploration licences that allow companies to drill on either side of the Grampians, after geological surveys showed the area was ”highly prospective” for copper.
An application was lodged on May 7 by the Queensland miner Diatreme Resources for a government licence to begin exploratory drilling near the Grampians’ southern border. Last month it was approved after what the company said was the ”quickest turnaround” it had ever experienced.
”The speed at which they’ve granted this tenement, which took about four months, is the fastest we’ve ever had,” chief executive Tony Fawdon said. ”They can often take several years.”
Mr Fawdon said the recent departmental surveys had identified substantial copper deposits, which are believed to stretch from the Grampians to the state’s north-west.
”We’re very excited by this, the department is very excited, and we think this could become a new copper belt in Australia,” he said.