When a geologist has completed a drilling program and updated their geological interpretation, the database will need to be coded with the latest interpretation.
Previously, if the geologist had several weathering DTMs, multiple DTMs had to be flagged manually or with a loop/variable in a macro.
However, there is a function called “Assign Multiple Domains” in Surpac 6.5 onwards that enables users to flag multiple DTMs quickly and easily. This is not a new function, but very few people know about it – so we thought we would cover this handy feature in today’s blog post.
1. First, drag and drop your DTMs from the navigator window into the graphics window. Note the file name of your top, middle and bottom DTMs. If the DTMs are all in one file, note the object number of the DTMs. You can check this by using the function Identify Triangle (IDT).
2. Select Database > Analysis > Assign Multiple Domains.
3. Choose the table you want to write the codes to and set the default domain code. This code for the DTM would be assigned to all data below the bottom DTM.
If using a solid, this code would be applied to everything outside the solid, which would allow you to do background statistics on the database.
4. In the form above, tick Add Constraint to Drillholes if you wish to constrain your drillholes (but not code any grade control holes or face samples).
Under Save Report to a File, you may select a report filename and corresponding file format if you wish to generate a list of holes that have been coded.
Click Apply.
5. Refresh the drillhole. If the codes do not have a color assigned to them, color the codes by selecting Database > Display > Drillhole Display Styles.
6. Once the codes have had a color assigned to them, select Database > Display > Drillholes.
7. Color the drillhole trace on the weathering table and the weathering code. In the below image, the drillhole colors are coded to the weathering wireframes used in “Assign Multiple Domains”. Blue refers to fresh drillholes, green refers to partially oxidized drillholes and yellow are completely oxidized drillholes. The database is now ready to composite for modelling.
You may also be interested in Creating Contours from a DTM Surface for Plotting or 10 Steps for Extracting Drillholes as a String File.