GEOVIA GEMS 6.8 is now available

The latest version of GEOVIA GEMS is now available with over 20 user-requested updates and enhancements, featuring upgrades to drillhole functionality and block caving modules.

In GEMS 6.8, it is now possible to design and edit multiple holes at the same time, intersecting with existing shapes and surfaces. It is also possible to design holes based on orientation information in nearby holes, which is particularly important in deep drilling exploration. Users are also able to adjust drillholes to fit a topographic surface.

Multiple cone hole and parallel holes design


Adjusting drillholes to fit a topographic surface


What’s New in GEMS 6.8:

  • Ability to move a drillhole collar position onto a surface, reducing the need to edit survey records manually.
  • Create multiple downhole records based on other existing holes within graphics or within a radius (Multiple Survey Data Records), adding flexibility when designing new holes.
  • Ability to edit a designed drillhole with multiple survey records, enabling better control over drillhole design surveys.
  • Target holes to existing geometry through the clipping of multiple drillholes created with a deviated drillhole as their base to an elevation, solid, or surface.
  • Graphically edit a designed drillhole with multiple survey records, with improved visual feedback of complex drillhole design.
  • Create an interpolation profile with up to 100 target rock codes, improving flexibility when interpolating block models.
  • Data rows can now be cut or copied in the workspace data editor for drillhole and traverse type of workspaces, enabling rapid creation of drillhole information.
  • Switch between coordinates and indices for swath plots, therefore enabling the creation of swath plots along the rows, columns, and levels of a block model, for additional flexibility in swath plot.

GEMS 6.8 is provided complimentary as part of the GEOVIA Maintenance and Support Program subscription and can be downloaded through the 3DS Support Site (please login first).

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Tony Nykiel

Tony Nykiel

R&D Application Manager, GEOVIA at Dassault Systèmes
Tony is a Geologist and is responsible for the development of GEOVIA Surpac and GEMS from a R&D perspective. He has extensive experience in the West Australian gold mining industry and joined GEOVIA in 1995 in a technical support role. Since then, he has worked extensively in QA/QC software testing and software development.
Tony Nykiel

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