PCSLC has been upgraded to include improved functionality and an easier workflow for better planning and scheduling of Sub Level Cave mines.
Today’s article outlines the keys steps required in setting up a new PCSLC project in GEMS v6.8.3 onwards.
This is a summarised set of notes to provide guidance around key inputs and general setup for a PCSLC project. It should not be used as a substitute for proper user training.
The following sections are covered.
- PCSLC project setup
- Basic block model requirements
- Creating a Ring Model
- Sequencing and Scheduling
Summary of PCSLC workflow:
STEP 1: Setting up a PCSLC Project
- Create PCSLC Caving Workspaces (Workspaces->Create or Modify Workspace)
- Create a SETUP Advanced Profile (PCSLC-> SLC Tools->Profile Setup->Advanced Profiles-> SETUP)
- Create a Grade elements list profile (PCSLC->SLC Tools->Profile Setup->Advanced Profiles->GRADE0)
- Create a Economic profile (PCSLC-> SLC Tools->Profile Setup->Advanced Profiles->ECO0)
- Save Caving Area (Right click on Caving Area -> Save)
- Create PCSLC Start up items. This creates Block model attributes, Advanced Profiles & Headers for Excel files (PCSLC-> General Utilities-> Other Utilities)
- Create rock codes (Format->Other Profiles->Rock Codes)
- Create General Display Profiles (Block attributes, Tunnels, Lines etc.) (Format->…)
- Create Ring Display Profiles (Display Tab -> Display profile)
- Create Plan Views to represent the levels (View->Vertical Section)
- Create Vertical sections (View->Plan View)
STEP 2: Setting up the block model
- Check the Density attributes ( all blocks should have a density value except Air blocks)
- Percent attribute should be set to 100%
- Check the Grade attributes
- Create other PCSLC block attributes (bring, ext, pit, level names, ore, dilution, Footprint Finder)
- Calculate Net Smelter Return (NSR) block attribute (optional)
- Check the Rock types attribute
STEP 3: Generate Rings – Determines Ring locations using existing tunnels or using logical tunnels
- Setup the xlsx and update the sector input sheet.
2. Create and save clipping polygon for levels on layout ( Edit -> Clip -> Create Clipping Boundary; Edit -> Clip -> Save Clipping Boundary)
3. Define Ring shapes using SHP advanced profile (PCSLC-> SLC Tools->Profile Setup->Advanced Profiles->SHP) for Regular ring, rings at the top of the layout and Block Ring
4. Create Ring shapes (XY Curves) profiles (PCSLC à SLC ToolsàProfile Setup à Generate Ring Shapes)
5. Fill out the GEN advanced profile (PCSLC-> SLC Tools->Profile Setup->Advanced Profiles->GEN)
6. Run Generate Rings tool (PCSLC à SLC Toolsà Rings à Generate rings) or from the task pane
7. Select and Delete rings outside ore solid if needed (PCSLC à Ring Utilitiesà Delete Selected Rings)
8. Save caving area (Right click on Caving Area -> Save)
STEP 4: Run Ring Trim Tool – Trim rings using orebody solid.
- Create a Shape workspace and Ring Shape bucket (Workspaces->Create or Modify Workspace-> New -> Standard workspace ->Other(user defined)-> Caving bucket data(memo) )
- Activate the Shape keywords SHAPE_BUCKET & SHAPE_WS in the SETUP Advanced Profile (PCSLC-> SLC Tools->Profile Setup->Advanced Profiles->SETUP)
- Fill out the TRIM advanced profile (PCSLC-> SLC Tools->Profile Setup->Advanced Profiles->TRIM)
- Display the ore solid and select a few rings near edge of solid for visualisation validation
- Run the Trim tool (PCSLC à General Utilitiesà Other utilities à Trim Rings using solid)
- Save the shape bucket (Right click on bucket -> Save)
STEP 5: Run Ring Volumetrics Tool – Update Tons and grades for rings.
- Fill out the VOLS advanced profile (PCSLC-> SLC Tools->Profile Setup->Advanced Profiles->VOLS)
2. Run VOLS tool (PCSLC à SLC Toolsà Rings à Volumetrics for Rings) or from the task pane
3. Reports
- Run sector summary report (PCSLC à Ring Utilitiesà Sector Summary Tool)
- Send Rings to Excel (Sub Level Caving Tab -> Transfer button)
- Send Tons/Grades to Excel (Sub Level Caving Tab -> Transfer button)
STEP 6: Run the Quick Neighbour Tool – Creates neighbours between rings
- Fill out the QNT advanced profile (PCSLC-> SLC Tools->Profile Setup->Advanced Profiles->QNT)
2. Run the QNT tool (PCSLC à SLC Toolsà Rings à Quick Neighbour Tool) or from the task pane below
3. Use the Neighbour display tool to validate (Sub Level Caving Tab -> Tools button)
STEP 7: Run the TTL sequencing Tool – Creates mining sequence
- Update the Extraction percentage of rings if needed
2. Display Rings using Offset Display mode (Display Tab -> Use offsets when displaying data)
3. Update the xlsx with the following input sheets
- Table
- Tunnel_input
- Sector_input
- Constraints(optional)
- Detail (optional)
- Links (optional)
4. Create XY Curves for face shape (PCSLC-> SLC Tools->Profile Setup->XY Curves)
5. Fill out the TTL advanced profile (PCSLC-> SLC Tools->Profile Setup->Advanced Profiles->TTL)
6. Run the TTL tool (PCSLC à SLC ToolsàSequencing and Depletion àTactical sequence) or from the task pane.
7. Options to view Scenario information ( optional)
- Export Scenario bucket to excel (Right click on Scenario bucket -> Excel > Export-> Show Excel)
- Open Scenario using Data Editor (Workspaces-> Start Data Editor)
- View using Planning Tool (Planning Tab -> Planning button)
STEP 8: Run TM3D Depletion Tool – Creates a Production schedule
- Display Rings using Offset Display mode (Display Tab -> Use offsets when displaying data)
2. Update the xlsx with the following input sheets
- Table
- Pstq_input sheet (optional)
- External_input sheet(optional)
3. Fill out the TM3D advanced profile (PCSLC-> SLC Tools->Profile Setup->Advanced Profiles->TM3D)
4. Run the TM3D tool (PCSLC à SLC ToolsàSequencing and Depletion à TM3D Depletion Engine) or from the task pane.
More Information:
For more information on PCSLC introductory and advanced training courses, contact your local GEOVIA office.
To upgrade your software and take advantage of the new PCSLC functionality, download GEMS and later from the GEOVIA Support Forum.
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