We are pleased to inform you that GEOVIA MineSched 9.2 has just been released.
View the presentation describing the features in detail, or read on below for a summary
Highlights in this release include:
New ability to use Haul truck Rimpull and Retarding curves to define haul route velocities
Open pit planners can now use their truck fleet Rimpull curves to quantify the speed that each truck can travel along any roadway gradient, which results in more practical and accurate haulage scheduling. A spreadsheet view tool enables the tables to be quickly set up in MineSched, and the Refresh Roads function has been expended to also recalculate the haul route velocity list to reflect any changes made to the haulage design.

Added ability to define a global haulage speed limit.
Just because a truck can travel at a certain speed does not necessarily mean it is safe to do so. The haulage process has been enhanced with the new ability to define a maximum allowable speed limit. When the haulage process is run, any speeds that exceed the global speed limit will be capped at the defined speed.
Enhanced Refresh Haul Roads function. The Refresh Roads function now refreshes the entire source haulage design rather than just each individual road. This allows MineSched to add or delete any roads based on changes made to the haulage design.
Ability to refresh all referenced block models. The process to define the geological model has been enhanced to recognize when changes have been made to all referenced block models, and allow all attributes to be refreshed in MineSched. This new functionality is a major step towards a seamless transition between the Mine Planning software and MineSched.

When importing solid DTM files, the solid object names are referenced as the Mining Location name. When importing a large number of mining locations, this new feature removed the need to re-name each mining location post import.
A full list of work completed in MineSched 9.2 is available in the Release Notes document (from 3DS Support portal)
We also take this opportunity to announce that this will be the last MineSched release that includes a 32 bit version. If you are still running MineSched on a 32-bit Operating System, please contact your local GEOVIA Support team to discuss the available options for the next major release.
I also recently delivered a presentation on the benefits and features of MineSched 9.2 – view the presentation here.
To download MineSched 9.2 via the 3DS Support portal, please follow these steps.