Dassault Systèmes is bringing Expo Milano 2015 to life through Virtual Reality. Now you can explore the current world’s expo, featuring exhibits from more than 147 countries, from the comfort of your own home through a newly-enhanced 3D virtual experience. Ditch the expensive plane tickets and hours of travel, sit back, and enjoy!
The virtual tour is completely interactive and allows users to travel around inside the pavillions and outside on the roads and parks that encircle Expo Milano’s physical site. Each pavilion and exhibit is interactive as users guide themselves down the two street avenues – the Decumano and the Cardus – to visit the exhibits of each participating country. Users can guide themselves through the 3D experience and explore the exhibits on their own, or they can take a guided tour of the different areas. You can gain your access to the Expo online, with the Samsung Gear VR app, and with the Facebook app. If you’re already at the Expo, but would like to experience the virtual Expo, 4,000 tablets are available for rent onsite.
The theme of this year’s expo is “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.” Nine different areas target specific subjects related to this theme, including rice, coffee, fruits & legumes, spices, cereals & tubers, islands, sea & food and arid zones. On top of these specific areas, there are also areas with over-arching themes that reflect the expo’s message. These are the Zero Pavilion, Biodiversity Park, Civil Society Pavilion, and Children’s Park.
With the virtual tour wou can be one of the over 20 million visitors that are expected to visit Expo Milano 2015 before it closes on October 31.