How a Model Based Systems Engineering Approach Speeds Development for Lockheed Martin

For Lockheed Martin, a global security and aerospace company pioneering the future of aviation, a model-based systems engineering approach to design and development is a key technology enabler in furthering the company’s digital transformation and speeding delivery of its aircraft and systems. In the complex domain of aerospace and defense, much is at stake. Innovation and speed can cement market leadership for years to come for sophisticated aircraft programs

Using Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) capabilities, Lockheed Martin is able to quickly share and collaborate on complex systems designs, develop and manage broad, cross-functional teams, share ownership on design projects across its value chain and optimize its zero defect methodology.

Dassault Systèmes contributor Louis Columbus recently sat down for a conversation with LaTreace Myles, Systems Engineering Staff at Lockheed Martin, about the ongoing partnership between the two companies. Lockheed Martin utilizes Dassault Systèmes industry solution experiences in the development of a number of projects. Myles mentioned how useful a MBSE approach has been for their teams.

“With model based system engineering we are able to find defects earlier in the cycle because we are able to show and communicate effectively what we are needing for the actual design and functionality of the systems we are building. We’re able to do an enhancement of knowledge transfer and we’re also able to work in the same model as the integrated product team. Team members are able to work together in the same model at the same time on a team cloud, which we weren’t able to do before. Everybody can see what all team members are working on, how it affects what they do, understand what their real role is, then find and fix mistakes earlier in the design process.”

Myles talked about interacting with the pilots who are using the systems that Lockheed Martin develops. Pilots regularly attend design meetings so that an open dialogue of feedback is occurring during the development process. The seasoned pilots are shown virtual design simulations to assess if the functionality is where it needs to be from a pilot’s real world experience. The shareable virtual model means that tweaks can be made early on in the design process without the need for costly redevelopment in later life cycle phases. With the merging of the real and the virtual through MBSE all parties can see design flaws, defects and risk before they become cost or safety issues down the line.

Watch the full interview to learn more about Lockheed Martin’s work and the role of Dassault Systèmes.

Sharon Rodger

Sharon Rodger

Editor; Internal & Digital Communications at Dassault Systemes
Sharon Rodger is the editor of Navigate the Future and a member of the North America marketing team for Dassault Systemes, the 3DEXPERIENCE company. Sailing and ski mom to Connecticut College daughter (Go Camels!). See the ocean every day and breathe. Suggestions on great podcasts are welcome.
Sharon Rodger