One of the most critical yet least transparent processes in most mining companies is the Annual Business Planning process. With multiple operations and individuals contributing expertise and data, it can be a long, costly, and frustrating exercise, with the end results not always living up to expectations.
By looking to technology used by other industries to drive their mining planning processes, there is an opportunity for greater visibility into the mining planning process for mining. With collaborative platforms that establish consistency to data definitions and single source of truth is enabled. This can be further underpinned by bringing consistency to how global mining planning processes are governed for each contributor and site.
Geospatially aware collaboration platforms enable all stakeholders, regardless of where they are located in the world, to be connected to the process, with the ability to review progress geological models without the need for geology and mine planning software. These systems also allow head planners to define tasks, review gates and be alerted to issues when deliverables are in danger of falling behind.
Through dashboards and connectivity to all geological data, these systems bring greater control over the annual planning process, to shorten cycles, improve results, and deliver more control over the mining value chain.
Watch the short video “Integrated Global Mine Planning”
with Dassault Systèmes’ Nicolas Jeannee, as he discusses issues that impact global planning and introduces collaborative platform with geospatial awareness that solves them.
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