Dassault Systèmes and famous British designer Tom Dixon have teamed up to create the first open design competition based on a modular concept! 🙂
Tom Dixon gives to participants an access to as many files as tubes of different lengths and different types of junctions, and challenge contestants to re-configure and remix these 3D pieces into different functional objects.
Dixon’s design uses a simple, elegant system: aluminium tubes arranged into a functional form by interconnecting junctions. These junctions are created in additive manufacturing using 3D printing technology, provided by our partner Sculpteo.
Launched at MOST Salone in Milan during Design Week, the competition is accessible via a Dassault Systèmes online community. Through this online community, participants will get access to software to assemble and experience their design project in 3D, share projects, media and ideas, and interact with other members.
The winning entry, chosen by a jury including Tom Dixon, will receive an iPad, his concept being 3D printed and assembled, and be awarded and featured at “Maison & Objet” trade show in Paris, September edition.
Want to join the competition? Go to www.mostdisruptingdesign.com, register today to the online community and make sure to submit your contribution by June 30, 2013! Enjoy! 😀