#ECF09 Day 1: Dassault Systèmes Goes Organic

I’ve dashed into my room after the ECF keynote and press conference to blog while impressions are fresh.

The most succulent morsel so far is V6 organic architecture.

The idea is that rather than having to adapt to a predefined PLM configuration, you just download models to support whatever particular service and projects you have going on at the time. Easy-peasy, like kids say.

Along the buffet line between the salad and salmon I chatted with Bernard Charles about organic architecture. He smiled and told me it stems out of a discussion with GUESS. Hmmm, I’d like to learn more about that . . .

But meanwhile, the good news is that this goes into Beta later this month. Bernard referred to “it” as an ENOVIA that’s online and subscription based. He said Dassault Systèmes wants it to be as easy as connecting to Gmail.

And . . . a Dassault Systèmes-developed social innovation technology internally referred to as swYm will be part of the offer.

Which reminds me of one of Bernard’s keynote stories:

If a mechanical engineer is asked to solve a problem, he’s going to come up with a mechanical solution.

If an electrical engineer is asked to solve a problem, she’s going to come up with an electrical solution.

Only by working together can they come up with a hybrid solution.

The message is we need heterogeneous communities to truly innovate and build a bright future.

Dassault Systèmes hopes that ENOVIA online will provide the framework and applications to make it happen. But the innovating is up to you.

And as one of my friends said on Facebook last week:

The brain is like a parachute. It works best when you open it.

Isn’t that gorgeous?

More soon . . .

