Ethereal Interactive Art for Your Friday!

If your Fridays are anything like mine, you always have lots to do work-wise, but boy is it tough.  Our brains, souls and bodies are dang tired by the time Friday happens.

Which is why I thought you might enjoy a little art therapy this afternoon!

Look what I stumbled across today, an ethereal immersive interactive art experience! ( I was going to add the adjectives 3D and musical too, but well, five adjectives are a little much, don’t you think?)

Turn up your volume and check out what the students of Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France have created!

“Immersive Music Painter”

I think they’ll be at Laval Virtual.  BTW, so will I; more on that soon.

Bon weekend,


P.S.  Are you interested in more posts on 3D and interactive art?