The second edition of the “Ma pierre à l’édifice” contest is now over. This nationwide competition, organized by Dassault Systèmes, the French ministry of education and the Religious Heritage Observatory, was open to students aged 12-14. Contestants were challenged to conduct an in-depth study of a religious building from a multidisciplinary approach and to create a 3D representation of the building using 3DVIA Shape (please refer to this earlier post for more).
On June 3, 2010 contest jury members met at Dassault Systèmes Campus in Vélizy to examine submissions. The final round recognized three institutions for their outstanding models and documentation, visible on the “3DS Academy” dedicated page.
From September 2010 on, this contest will be opened to additional types of architecture, providing students with further innovative opportunities to express their talent.
Hervé Foucher works for Dassault Systèmes Education Department and is in charge of online communities for students and educators.