The Power of ENOVIA User Group Meetings

Listening. IMG_0057 IMG_0119 IMG_0120




These are some of the benefits of attending an ‎ENOVIA‬ user group meeting.

Did you attend the 2016 North American event this last June? If you did and are looking to get hold of the presentations, or simply want to learn more about our meetings, head over to our Collaborative Innovation community on 3DSwYm today to get the content and continue the dialogue in the comments section or if you have any questions, ask away in the iQuestions section of the community.
While there you will see that our event in South Carolina is NOT the only event we have held. We have had similar, corresponding events in France and Italy in addition to the events held earlier this year. They are all documented in the community on a dedicated page to make it easy for you to find.
Keep track of our Calendar of Events to see where an event that you are interested in will be happening and plan to attend.
Why? Check out the video for a whole host of great reasons!
Looking forward to seeing you soon at one of our events. Have your voice heard!

Join…engage…converse…ask questions…learn.



Social Media Content Manager at Dassault Systèmes
Hi - I'm the social media content manager for our Offer Marketing team. Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or on Twitter.