I thought it was too late to talk about Virtual Milan and Tom Dixon again, but then I saw these videos and said . . .nah, you deserve to see them!
The first was produced by Australian Emma Elizabeth Designs. Check out her interview with Tom, Fred and one of Tom’s artisan furniture makers.
Nice music huh?
The second is a fly through of Tom’s stand and his visitors’ interactions with the 3D experience.
I may like this fashion music better. Nice drums.
Like I mentioned in my last Tom Dixon post, Tom creates all of his models in SolidWorks. He mentioned in the Emma Elizabeth video that he’s cutting out the big producers and “just getting on with it” on his own. A do-it-yourself guy! Any correlation with designing his models in 3D I wonder?
Tom, are you out there? We’d love your feedback if you get a chance. In any case, bravo 3D Tom!