How will Aerospace Companies Meet the Demand to Improve Program Execution?

According to survey results from Lifecycle Insights many product development organizations find themselves in one of two states:

  1. They consistently cancel projects or miss their launch/delivery dates.
  2. Or they are in a constant state of emergency as they shift resources between projects to stay on schedule.

The study also points to a tight correlation between physical testing failures and poor product development performance.

To meet these organizational and product performance challenges, companies are putting significant effort into capturing their proprietary knowledge and making the processes and related technologies available to more people in the organization – earlier in the development cycle.

Ebook-cover-300x232A new eBook from Lifecycle Insights goes into greater detail of the industry challenges and the value of applying an integrated-simulation approach throughout the development process.

The eBook argues with the appropriate integrated technologies and strategies, simulation, design exploration, decision analytics, and collaboration tools can lead a deeper understanding of the design space and help organizations make the right decisions to avoid prototyping failures. This eBook is definitely worth a read. Check it out!

Download the eBook, “Improve Program Execution with Integrated Simulation”

I'm a University of Iowa Alumni (Go Hawks!). I collect vinyl records (remember those?). I celebrated 10 years with Dassault Systemes in 2015! Even after 21 years in the engineering software industry, it’s still amazing to me that nearly every product we use in our daily lives has been simulated with software such as Abaqus FEA or CATIA Analysis. I am passionate about communicating how our customers are using realistic simulation and optimization technology to improve the safety, reliability, and performance of a broad range of products, such as safer vehicles, high-performance soccer balls, fuel-efficient composite airplanes, and innovative medical devices. I am equally enthusiastic about sharing the stories of how our team of global engineers and software developers are able to transfer their depth and breadth of engineering knowledge into our products and to our customers through training, support, and online communities.

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